Special Late availability discounted price:
$650 for six days Tour includes: * Shuttle from Guatemala city airport to 1st class bus to Flores,** Transportation thoughout the tour *Comfortable, locally owned hotel accomodations in Flores and/or El Remate for five nights * All meals with the exception of 2 dinners * Entrance fees, knowledgeable local guides & native English translator to the Maya ruins at Tikal & Uaxactun * Traditional cooking class in Uaxactun * Visit to Maya traditional medicinal garden/lake tour * Visit to the women of Ramon who are revitalizing the use of Ramon, a delicious and highly nutricious sustainable food * Morning stretch/relaxation exercises and writing instruction *Group begins with dinner on Dec.18 (7PM) Dec.18 and concludes after lunch (2:00 PM) Dec.23 Tour limited to 10 participants Not included: Air transportation to Guatemala city or Flores, Return transportation from Flores, personal expenditures, insurance & tips Transportation: From the Guatemala city airport, a shuttle will pick up at 8AM on Dec. 17 or Dec. 18. The shuttle takes you to the first class bus station. The bus leaves for Flores at 10:00 AM and arrives at 6PM, in time for dinner on the 18th. For those wishing to come a day early I can arrange an extra night at the hotel for you. It is also possible to take the shuttle from the airport at 7:30 PM on the 17th and take the 1st class night bus to Flores which arrives around 6:00 AM in Flores on Dec. 18th. First class bus includes comfortable reclining seats, AC, bathroom, reserved seats Alternatively, you may choose to fly from Guatemala City to Flores -- 75 minutes. $170 one way, $320 RT. Persons wishing to fly receive a $50 transportation credit. Return transportation to Guatemala City is not included but I can help you make arrangements for your continuing destination. I can also book hotels for you in Flores and suggest hotels near the airport in Guatemala City. *Occassionally circumstances beyond BFGT's control make keeping the exact itinerary unworkable. In this event BFGT provides alternative activities of comparable value for tour participants. Payments through Paypal. Fast, secure and you don't need to be a member of Paypal to use their service. |